This Mother's day weekend was spent in beautiful Napa Valley at the inaugural BottleRock Festival where 60+ bands including The Black Keys, Kings of Leon, Zac Brown Band, Alabama Shakes, The Shins and so many more rocked my face off. On top of the great music was an excellent assortment of fine Napa culinary treasures, Tons of wineries representing "Napa Valley's Best," A hit list of top comedians spitting their best lines, and plenty of Beer.
I've never been a "music– festival" going type person but I could't miss this one, especially after having the fortunate opportunity to be involved in BottleRock since it's concepting phase. It was September of 2012 when I sent initial logo comps to my good friends at Plumbline for critique, and they were definitely "works in progress." We came a long way developing the logo and several illustrations used to brand the entire event.
Dom Moreci and the team over at Plumbline had all the hard work implementing all the design collateral, but as you can imagine, it was extremely rewarding to see my illustrations and logo on EVERYTHING from wine bottles to stages. BRNV by far has been one of the biggest events I've been a part of. I was glad to share creative prowess with such a talented group of designers and will look forward to being a part of next years BottleRock endeavors.
Willpower Stage + Best Coast
The illustration comes to life
Official BottleRock Schedule
The only "bottle's" used the entire branding of BottleRock. That was intentional.
Citi Stage
Miner Family Winery Stage
Fence Covering