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Drawing Type
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If you're into hand-drawn type, and crafting your own letterforms like I am, then you're probably always looking for resources to perfect your craft. There are a ton of great books out there and even more people who really do this sort of thing extremely well. I don't consider myself a "master" by any means but I do enjoy this mode of design and illustration. Maybe it's my background in Art, or maybe I just hate being in front of a computer all day. Either way lettering and typography has been one of my greatest passions and has lead me to some great projects and allowed me to cross paths with some extremely talented people. I'm very honored to be included in this new book published by Rockport Books, titled Drawing Type: An Introduction to Illustrating Letterforms by Alex Fowkes

Drawing Type: features real-world projects and sketchbooks of well-known type designers (and some not so well-known like myself), including interviews about their processes.