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Posts tagged personal project
New Digs

First of all let me thank you for visiting my portfolio site. If you're a return visitor, you'll notice a lot has changed around here. You'll also notice that I have re-branded and I've got a fresh new monogram logo. It's probably my third or fourth logo I've used but It's something that I think will last longer than the others.

Here's some insight into the mind of a designer, we're never completely satisfied with what we create. Sure we get really-really close to feeling satisfied, but time goes by, we get inspired by something new, we get burned out on design then fall in love with it again. We're constantly revisiting our work and thinking "I should have done this, or I should have done that." But we don't have the time or the energy to do so, even if we wanted to. So when you see us working diligently on a design to the point where it looks like we're beating a dead horse, or see us ramming our heads against our computers over minute details, it's just us trying to make sure we get as close to satisfaction as possible. When a creative-type tells you "I'm my own worst critic," they're not lying.

This is a good thing though (at least I see it that way). I say "If you're not growing—you're dying." If you're not constantly striving to make your self better, you'll be no good to anyone. Especially in the design world. Let's face it, we work in a highly competitive field, and it's really easy to get overlooked. There are so many talented people out there who I will openly admit, are better than me. It's also really easy to fall behind in technology. New software and updates to current software seem to come out every nano-second and if your not careful you can easily be drowned in a sea of 1's and 0's.

I guess this re-design is just my way of staying current—my way of defining who I am as a designer and where I want to go in my career. I feel it gives more focus on my work and thanks to Squarespace it is presented in beautiful way. Nevertheless, it will always be a work in progress and under constant threat of a re-design. Enjoy!

Hand Drawn Type

​Typography has always been one of my passions within design. I especially love hand-drawn type and all it's expressive qualities. Here is a quote from a plaque I saw on the U.S.S. Constitution during my recent visit to Boston. It's been on my to-do list to draw more, but it always seems to be pushed on the back burner between my full-time work and freelance work. You know how it goes.

They say "the work you do when your procrastinating, is the work you should be doing full time." But that won't pay the bills. Until I can make a living off of drawing type, It'll just have to be a hobby and another creative outlet. As for this particular type-treatment I guess you can say this is my tribute to the 2012 olympics (which starts this week) and Team USA. "Liberty Forever."