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Typefight... where the points don't matter, the winner gets bragging rights and the loser walks away scarred for life. Mano y Mano, glyph against glyph in a knock-down, drag-out fight to determine the best "Letter" of the two. I've been put up against the extremely talented UK designer Ged Palmer. We both put our lettering skills to bout for one week's time and let you — the audience — decide who's "N" is better.

You can cast your vote on the Typefight website

CommArts Typography Annual

To be included in the 2014 Communication Arts Typography Annual is an extreme honor. Especially when I saw the level of talent that surrounded me in the publication. People that I've looked up to (and still do) since I was in design school. Including the ever talented Erik Marinovich as one of the judges!

It hasn't' been easy working to reach my goals. Sometimes I feel like I'm years behind where I should be at my age but things like this remind me I'm on the right track and need to keep striving forward.

It's quite amusing to look at my body of work over the last several years and notice that the most successful pieces are the ones that are more of a self-initiated personal project. Don't get me wrong, I love some of the client work I've done, but it's those ones that I build from the heart with a simple joy that keep my passion for design alive. Which makes it even more gratifying to have them recognized by my peers. All in all a great way to start 2014.

God Bless Sandy Hook

None can comprehend the horrific tragedy that took place December 14th, but rest assured the prayers and thoughts of a nation are with you.  This simple poster is a token of remembrance for the children and staff of Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, CT. Our prayers be with you. You are not alone. God Bless Sandy Hook.

Christmas Cards

Nothing says "I Care" like receiving a hand-drawn, hand-printed, hand-trimmed, hand-folded, hand-stuffed Christmas card. Printed in collaboration with the talented Kyle Marks (a.k.a. Mc Screeny or The Screen Surgeon), these Christmas cards are a limited run of 50 so if your a client, friend or family member you should feel pretty darn loved to receive one. You can see more images in my portfolio.

Hand drawn

Hand pulled on French Paper.