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Every year the University Union on the Sac State Campus has a "Open-House" celebration that over the years has grown tremendously. It's an opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with what The Union offers to campus life. Students get a game card which has all of the vendors and organizations on it, and students need to visit each place and get a stamp on their card, they are then entered into a raffle where they can win cool stuff like Gaming systems, iPads, and lots of other fun stuff. The organization Director never wanted to call it an "Open-House," that would be to lame, so they decided to call it a name that means absolutely nothing..."Phlagleblast." (The correct pronuciation is Flag-uhl-blast, not Flay-gul-blast). Over the years its been themed in various ways from "Robots" to "Jungle Safari", but this years chosen theme is Candy Land. Here is a sneak peak at the artwork for the poster, which will also be turned into a full campaign including animations and free schwag like t-shirts, pens etc. I'm really getting the opportunity to flex my Illustrator muscles with this project. Stay tuned for the final artwork.

The Brownie Special Six-16


I found this camera at my mother-in-laws house while helping to clean out her shed last year. Needless to say I was super excited about it and I promised her I would give it a good home. It wasn't until recently that I actually looked up how to modify it to work with 120 film (since the 616 film it was originally designed for is no longer manufactured). Today I finally got my first roll of film developed. This form of photography (or Lomography as it is called) is highly experimental, you can't really think about what your shooting, and there's no instant gratification viewing of your shot as in a digital camera. And because you have to manually advance your film there are a lot of opportunities to double expose images on a single frame. The results are something that is both beautiful and unique. I can't wait to buy some more film and take some more shots.