Blog — Joel Felix Design Studio


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Every year the University Union on the Sac State Campus has a "Open-House" celebration that over the years has grown tremendously. It's an opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with what The Union offers to campus life. Students get a game card which has all of the vendors and organizations on it, and students need to visit each place and get a stamp on their card, they are then entered into a raffle where they can win cool stuff like Gaming systems, iPads, and lots of other fun stuff. The organization Director never wanted to call it an "Open-House," that would be to lame, so they decided to call it a name that means absolutely nothing..."Phlagleblast." (The correct pronuciation is Flag-uhl-blast, not Flay-gul-blast). Over the years its been themed in various ways from "Robots" to "Jungle Safari", but this years chosen theme is Candy Land. Here is a sneak peak at the artwork for the poster, which will also be turned into a full campaign including animations and free schwag like t-shirts, pens etc. I'm really getting the opportunity to flex my Illustrator muscles with this project. Stay tuned for the final artwork.