Blog — Joel Felix Design Studio


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20 Years of Event Advertising

The Design Team at The University Union will be featured in this month's art gallery show on the second floor of the Union at Sac State. The show features design and advertising created by a collective of graphic designers for events at Sac State over the last 20 years. So come review our portfolio as we take a look at how far we've come. Consider yourself invited.

Show Open:
April 25—May 20

May 3 @ 5:30–7:30pm
University Union Gallery
6000 J St. Sacramento CA 95819 

Portfolio Review

This was a quick 2 hour design challenge between me and the guys at work. We're having our own gallery show in the Union starting at the end of the month, and this was my concept for the promotional material. Time was up before I could get the color worked out but thats the way it goes sometimes. My concept didn't get chosen but after I saw what Kyle had done I agreed with the decision. I love our office "design challenges," they force you to be creative under pressure.